Dewan Idris Road, Kuturia Bus Stand, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka-1340

Our Certifications

The certifications we have attained for our supplier base, products and practices will ensure that your brand is sourcing using the best partners and techniques.

Our Guideline to Product Conversion

Our development guideline is to identify current customer materials and processes, then set a precise path mapping out journey towards preferred materials/products, and better working practices.

Stage 1

To Keep Away From

Products without any Environmental aspects such as:

  • Non-reusable or non-recyclable
  • No organic content or no recycled content
  • Questionable durability
  • Requiring high temperature washing, polluting air and consume more water
  • Hazard chemicals and process
  • Stage 2

    To The Way of Transition

    Conventional materials or processes with some environmental or social attributes.

  • Preferred materials content with supporting certification and certifying the relevant content, selection of dyes and chemicals
  • Recyclable or Reusable
  • Durable design
  • Less washing, dry cleaning & ironing
  • Reduce packaging
  • single-09

    Stage 3

    Better Products

    Products should line up with environmental, traceability assurance or social standard

  • Products carry out sustainable development goals (from materials to manufacturing conditions, enabling best green practices and economic development)
  • Product is tested and certified for hazard chemicals
  • Finished product completely made by local sourcing and development
  • Stage 4

    Superior Products

    Products should directly contribute to wellbeing, and completely cycled by nature for ecological business development.

  • 80% of products are made with natural materials & organic processes
  • Friendly impact on environment and end-user
  • Best practices for purchasing
  • single-09